The Friendship Project holder ferielukket fra 9.-19. september og køb foretaget i denne periode vil derfor først blive sendt herefter.

Bad digital habits

We have recieved  a dilemma a message from Yasmin who needs help dealing with her friends’ bad habits of being on their phones when they’re together

Dear Panel,

My name is Yasmin, and I have a friendship dilemma that concerns my friends and their digital habits, which have started to negatively affect out friendship. We are a group of 5 friends who have created a dinner club where we meet every week to cook dinner together- it’s wonderful that we can spend so much time together, but something is bothering me: my friends are always deeply absorbed in their phones when we’re together.

Their phones are constantly on the table, and its almost become the norm for several of them to be chatting to others or scrolling through silly videos while we eat. It’s incredibly frustrating because it’s clear they’re not really listening when someone tries to tell them something.

Every time, we meet, they post aesthetic pictures of our dinner club on social media, which outwardly signals we’re the best of friends, but I’m left wishing they were more present and engaged, instead of being so focused on showing everyone else “how much fun we’re having”

So, dear panel, what should I do? It irritates me endlessly, but how do I bring up the conversation without it coming across as a big, scolding lecture? Can and should you even try to correct your friends’ digital habits? Or as adults, shouldn’t they know that their behavior is becoming a problem in terms of how they interact with others?

Best regards,

Yasmin – a frustrated friend

Yasmin has tried to bring up the issue, but it doesn’t seem like her friends really understand why it’s a problem. They often say things like, “Well, I can multitask.”

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The Friendship Project holder ferielukket fra 9.-19. september 2024

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