The Friendship Project holder ferielukket fra 9.-19. september og køb foretaget i denne periode vil derfor først blive sendt herefter.

Obsessed with girlfriend/honeymoon phase

We have recieved  a classical friendship dilemma about when a friend becomes boring because of a new relationship

Dear Dilemma Panel,

I’m writing to you with a problem that’s weighing heavily on me right now. My name is Christoffer, and I’m 27 years old. I’m facing a bit of a challenge with my friend Jacob, who has become completely absorbed in his new girlfriend. After many years of being single Jacob has finally found love. He’s on cloud nine, and I’m really happy for him.

But… it’s been three months now, and Jacob still has nothing on his mind but his girlfriend. It’s always me who reaches out, and it’s always me who suggests that we meet up. When we finally do hang out, almost all of our conversations revolve around her and their relationship. They became a couple after knowing each other for barley a month, and Jacob is already excitedly talking about their plans to find an apartment together soon. She’s actually quite nice, but she’s alwaaays there when we hang out at Jacob’s place, and honestly, I feel like they’re moving way too fast in their relationship.

I’m genuinely happy for Jacob, but I also miss our friendship as it was before. When it was just the two of us, we pften went on spontaneous nights out and could game together in the evenings.

Dear Dilemma Panel, is it just me being needy, or is it okay to call out a friend for becoming obsessed with this girlfriend? If so, how do I have this conversation with Jacob?

Kind regards,


Christoffer feels a little forgotten and overlooked, and he doubts whether deep down it could also be about him  being a little envious that he himself does not have a girlfriend. He thinks it’s a difficult conversation to have, because Jakob is so happy, and he doesn’t want to seem bitter

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The Friendship Project holder ferielukket fra 9.-19. september 2024

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